Barbadians Rush to Purchase Fans and Air Conditioning Units as Heatwave Persists

September 12, 2023
Discover the growing demand for fans and air conditioning units in Barbados as residents combat the unbearably hot days. Keep cool and beat the heat!
Fans and air conditioning units are continuing to fly off the shelves as Barbadians try their best to keep cool during the unbearably hot days.
Speaking to Barbados TODAY on Monday afternoon, sales executive at Fiberpol Ren Ruck said many energy-conscious persons have been visiting the Newton Plantation Yard, Christ Church business to purchase the Streamline units with inverter technology.
“The majority of customers are looking for comfort in their bedrooms and lounges, where they can relax and enjoy the comfort of an air-conditioned space,” he said, adding that others were also choosing to place them in living and dining rooms and “man caves”.
Over at Do It Best Sheraton, sales representative Chris Carter said devices to help people cool down were hot sellers.
“The days are very hot, and everyone is coming in to buy fans and air conditioners. Persons just want to cool down,” he said.
He said most consumers were coming in to purchase 16 and 18-inch fans, while others with deeper pockets were opting for air conditioning units.
“A lot of persons have been inquiring about the portable units and the window units as well,” he said, noting that the portable devices were easy to install and “as long as the room was sealed off properly”, they provided quick relief from the soaring temperatures.
Shari Lewis at SK Fashion said the fans were a top choice for customers who wanted to keep cool and to keep mosquitoes at bay.
“Persons have been saying ‘just give us the fan; outside is too hot’. They want it powerful enough that it can keep the heat and mosquitoes away because right now, dengue is on a rise. So we have definitely seen a rise in the sale of fans here,” she said.
Over at Sheraton Repair Centre, Robert Gibbs reported “fantastic” fan sales “ever since this heated period began”.
“We also sell a lot of hand fans for those people who are going to church or an indoor event and want to be cool,” he added.
Barbadians have been warned that the high temperatures will continue for almost the entire rest of the year.
According to the latest monthly climate outlook newsletter of the Barbados Meteorological Service, the “heat season” is expected to end around November and above-normal temperatures are projected until the end of the forecast period. (JB)