Transport Authority Addresses Complaints and Promises Greater Control Over Cleaning at Cheapside Terminal

September 6, 2023
The Transport Authority responds to complaints from PSV operators and clears litter from Cheapside Terminal, while calling for greater authority over cleaning and apologizing for the unsanitary conditions.
Following numerous complaints from public service vehicle (PSV) operators, the Transport Authority swept in to clear the Cheapside Terminal of litter yesterday.
As director of the Transport Authority Ruth Holder apologised for the state of the Bridgetown terminal, she called for a change that will ensure her organisation has greater authority over its cleaning.
“I wish to apologise to the operators, all persons that use there and staff who are stationed there,” Holder said.
She explained that there was an arrangement in place with the Ministry of Transport, Works and Water Resources, which she suggested was responsible for the cleaning schedule of the terminal.
Holder, however, said she was pushing to adjust that arrangement to prevent a recurrence of the unsanitary conditions.
“I know there are general workers assigned there who are supposed to be cleaning on a daily basis. However, I made a recommendation and I hope we can have a change in the situation, where the general workers will report directly to the Transport Authority rather than through the ministry, so we would have greater control,” she said.
The director was speaking to the MIDWEEK NATION yesterday afternoon after visiting the area to see its condition.
Hours before, chairman of the Alliance Owners of Public Transport Roy Raphael, and director of complaints and legal affairs Craig Banfield, toured the terminal to assess the situation.
They highlighted the trash that had accumulated on the ground and a few fallen garbage bins which were surrounded by litter. Banfield described it as atrocious.
“We have been receiving numerous amounts of complaints, not only from the operators within Cheapside but also commuters that frequent this terminal. The majority of the complaints are about the garbage. There were also complaints about rats running around the terminal at various times during the day and night.
“It is very unsanitary and I am very surprised the relevant regulatory authorities are not taking an enhanced look at this situation,” Banfield said.( TG)