Concerns Raised at St Peter Community Meeting Over Proposed Five-Star Hotel Development

September 28, 2023
Residents of St Peter in Some St Peter are expressing concerns over the potential impact of a proposed five-star hotel at Six Men's on their community life and environment. They welcome development but request better communication and engagement.
Some St Peter residents have voiced concerns over the impact of a proposed five-star hotel at Six Men’s on their community life, including sewage, water resources and access to the beaches.
While welcoming development of a tourist resort that could boost tourist arrivals and revenues for the island, they expressed concerns about inadequate communication and engagement.
Details of the proposal by the Pendry Hotel and Resort to construct a multi-storied property were presented and discussed on Tuesday night at a town hall meeting at the St Peter Anglican Parish Church.
The project is anticipated to be an investment of US$ 100 million.
Antarrah Gilkes suggested that benefits to communities, which have been promised in the past in association with development projects did not materialise, and residents found themselves to be disadvantaged. (HH)