Magistrate Raises Concerns about Daily Abuse of Police Officers in Barbados

October 17, 2023
Magistrate Bernadeth John expressed concern over the daily abuse faced by police officers while carrying out their duties. Nickolai Ackobi Akejani Trotman was fined $300 for using abusive language towards a police constable.
Magistrate Bernadeth John has raised concerns about the abuse being meted out to police officers daily as they carry out their duties.
She highlighted the issue on Monday as Nickolai Ackobi Akejani Trotman reappeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrates Court on a charge of using abusive language to Police Constable Renaldo Nurse in the execution of his duty on October 8, 2023.
The 30-year-old of Corner of Kew Road, Bank Hall, St Michael, had previously pleaded guilty to the charge but had been told to return to court as the magistrate wanted to speak to the complainant.
“I asked for you to be here today because I am concerned about the level of abuse police officers are receiving on a daily basis. It is worrying,” she said, adding that lawmen did not go to work “to be degraded” or to be called names.
“If you have a problem with how he is doing his job, you can take the number on his epaulette and you can file a complaint with the Police Complaints Authority. That is how you are to deal with matters in a civilised society. That is the behaviour we want to promote,” she stated.
Trotman apologised to the police officer and was ordered to pay $300 in compensation forthwith or spend one week in jail.