Long wait for bands to pass

August 8, 2023
Mixed mood at Bank Hall as delays muted spectator excitement at Kadooment. Band stalls and long waits between performances soured the experience for some, but others still found the carnival atmosphere impressive.
It was a mixed mood at Bank Hall yesterday as delays, faced by bands, muted the mood of spectators who came out to catch a glimpse of revellers on the route.
Under overcast skies and humid weather, it was 11:30 a.m. when the first band, Walk Holy, made its appearance at the Bank Hall road, swiftly followed by Blue Box Cart and revellers of the Heritage Band.
By the time Baje International’s truck turned the corner of Station Hill onto Bank Hall whatever momentum was built from the revelry of the first three bands had faded as the crowds were made to wait 90 minutes for their next sight of a band.
It was a repeating trend as the wait between bands lengthened and the mood soured for spectators.
“That stall in the music, there’s no other places here playing music so you gotta wait for the bands to come down” said Roshon Gittens, “the stalling and the bands really turned me off”.
The duration that bands were allowed to revel on the road was shortened as they were ushered along the road quicker. While it was a gripe for the more seasoned Kadooment goers, these waits were less of an issue for first timers who were gripped by the spectacle of the moment.
Wendy Evans, who was visiting from Wolverhampton, England, with her family was enjoying her first taste of Kadooment.
“We didn’t realise the carnival was on but we came and it’s amazing, really good atmosphere even with the rain. I am just amazed at how everyone comes out with such brilliant costumes and the music,” she said, adding that this solidified her decision to book again next year. (JN)