Man Electrocuted While Picking Breadfruit from Tree in Barbados

August 31, 2023
"Man electrocuted and fatally injured while picking breadfruits in Long Gap, St Michael. Power outage reported, fire breaks out in tree. Authorities on the scene investigating."
A man was electrocuted this morning while picking breadfruits at 4th Avenue Pillersdorf, Long Gap, St Michael.
The incident occurred around 8:42 a.m. and reports indicate he was using a metal rod, which hit a nearby electricity wire and electrocuted him, causing him to fall to his death.
The spark knocked out the power in the area and a branch in the breadfruit tree caught afire.
A team from the Barbados Fire Service responded to the fire, while officials from the Barbados Light and Power Co. Ltd were on the scene surveying the damage.
The man has been identified as Ramon Renaldo Dawson, 36. (JRN)