Ministry of Health to Conduct Mosquito Fogging in Four Parishes - December Schedule

December 3, 2023
The Vector Control Unit of the Ministry of Health and Wellness will continue mosquito eradication efforts in four parishes, with fogging scheduled from December 4-8.
The Vector Control Unit of the Ministry of Health and Wellness will continue its mosquito eradication efforts this week in four parishes.
Fogging will commence on Monday, December 4, in St Michael at Lower Burney, Cutting Road, Mount Friendship Road and environs.
On Tuesday, December 5, the team will journey to the St Joseph districts of Horse Hill, Orange Cottage, Vaughns Road 1, 2 and 3, Easy Hall, Bowling Alley Hill and environs.
The following day, Wednesday, December 6, the St Philip districts of Hill Drive, Apple Hall, Bottom Bay Road, Terrace Drive, Bottom Drive, Bay Drive, Ocean Drive and environs will be targeted for fogging.
Fogging moves to St James on Thursday, December 7. Areas to be sprayed are Jamestown Park, First and Second Street, Cherry Ave., Frangipani Row, Carnation Row, Orchid Row, Oleander Row and environs.
The fogging programme culminates on Friday, December 8, when it returns to St Michael to deal with Bank Hall, Dash Gap with avenues, Quarry Road, Industry Road, Kew Road and surrounding areas.
Fogging takes place from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily. Householders are reminded to open their windows and doors to allow the spray to enter.
Members of the public are advised that the completion of scheduled fogging activities may be affected by events beyond the unit’s control. In such circumstances, the unit will return to communities affected in the soonest possible time. (PR/KNB)