Haymans Market Revives Commercial Activity in St Peter with New Marketplace Opening

December 10, 2023
Discover the newly opened Haymans Market in St Peter, a transformed space that combines retail shops, entertainment, and a market attraction, revitalizing commercial activity in the area.
Several entrepreneurs are hoping to revive and increase the commercial activity in St Peter.
And they are banking on the success of the country’s newest marketplace, Haymans Market, which officially opened on December 1.
Operations manager Jacob Weatherhead took the Sunday Sun on a tour on Friday of the renovated 90 000-square-foot property that has 50-plus stalls.
Once Haymans Plantation, comprising Haymans Sugar Factory, it is now owned by Sun Group Investments Inc. which has transformed it into a space combining living, learning, entertainment, retail shops and a market attraction.
“We bought the property in 2019 and we started the renovation in 2020, but we stopped and started as the island was opened and closed. However, it’s exciting to see it all come together because this property is a piece of history, but it had been sitting here rotting for a long time so this [transformation] is amazing. . . (TSG)